It has been 2 months since Rania came into our life.
And it has been more than 2 months since i last wrote here.
Kehidupan berubah banyak sejak Rania datang.
Me n my husband were busy adapting to new life.
Lets go through the event...
20th March 2012
Hubby: bila baby nak keluar ni?
Me: Bila baby dh ready dia keluar la..
This is Day2 of my maternity leave.
Late at night, before we went to sleep, hubby buat vaginal examination.
The head has engaged but the os is still closed, just like the week before.
Hubby: Belum lagi kot..
And we went to sleep..
21st March 2012
1 am..
Aku terjaga because ade weird feeling at my tummy.
Being our first time, I was wondering "Is this contraction?"
Tengok sebelah, hubby tgh tido nyenyak.
Tggu la kejap lagi.. takut false alarm pulak.
Masa tu the frequency is about 1 contaction in 10 minutes.
Later on, around 3 am..
The frequency increases to about 2 in 10 minutes.
Sakit pun dh makin bertambah, but still bearable.
At that time I am very sure that it was "the contraction".
It is not the usual tightening.
"Bie, bie, bangun.."
"Hmm?" eyes still close..
"Lyana rasa macam dh ade contraction pain"
He touched my tummy,waiting for the contraction to come.
"Bie rasa mmg contraction la.." he looked at me. "So nak g hospital x ni? ke nak tggu lagi?"
Aku blur2 je.. xtau nak decide mcm mana.
Last2 bie buat decision nak ke hospital.
Kalo tggu lagi smpai pagi, takut esok pagi jalan jam pulak.
Sempat pulak mandi dulu before pegi hospital.
"Nak bagi tau family member lain ke?"
"Tggu la dulu, nanti kalo betul dh in labor baru bgtau k.."
We arrived at the busy (as always) PAC.
"Eh, Dr Edre. Wife doctor dh nak besalin ke?"
Memandangkan hubby dh habis posting OnG, so sumer staff kt situ kenal dia.
Malam tu sumer HO lelaki kt PAC
So hubby is the one yg uruskan semua for me.. clerking, PE, CTG..etc
Masa tu os baru 2cm dan ward sgt2 penuh.
CTG reactive.
We decide to go back tapi tiba2 ade pulak bed kosong kt second class.
So hubby booked the bed for me.
By the time settle kt ward, its already 7 am.
Hubby balik kejap ambil barang2 yg tetinggal, beli breakfast..
7-10 am
The pain becomes more frequent
Sakit sangat2..
Aku tau la besalin tu sakit tapi tak expect pulak sakit sampai macam ni..huhu.
Os 4cm..entering active phase of labour.
Given pethidine.
ARM and then ditolak ke labour room.
lepas bagi Pethidine, rasa ngantuk tapi sakit mcm tak berkurang pun..
"Bie, sakit pasa mcm nak berak la.. tak tahan dh ni"
(Memang sakit sangat!!!)
Sister Juriah dtg check.
"Dh fully ni.."
Ok, get ready for the baby to come..
Baby out after almost 1/2 hour pushing.
The LOP position makes it a bit difficult.
She was bigger than we expected
But Alhamdulillah..she's a healthy baby girl..
to be continue....